Music Career Discography Work with others Memories of Dan
Photo Gallery Biographies Links Credits
A tribute to the great Dan Hartman, 1950 - 1994


Welcome to Dan

This site is a tribute to the multi-talented Dan Hartman and is the result of many years of research and collaboration. It was originally established in 1998 with the help and encouragement of Tom Robinson and Mel Solis.

It is difficult to fathom that 30 years have passed since Dan Hartman died back in 1994. The internet was in its infancy then and there was very little information that was readily available about Dan Hartman and his music. Nowadays, information is much more readily available and Dan Hartman's entry on Wikipedia, for example, has gradually been built up to include a very complete chronology of Dan's life and career.

This website was originally intended as a single source for all things related to Dan and his artistry and much of the contents is given over to the memories of his friends, colleagues and loved ones. I originally hosted a discussion forum on this site but as technology has evolved and peoples' use of social media more pervasive, it is more appropriate as well as being easier to use platforms such as Facebook for wider discussion and sharing of thoughts.

During 2024, the site has undergone a complete re-vamp, with a redesigned layout, menu structure and new features, including links to rare music tracks and video content.

If you are interested in joining other fans in discussion about Dan I would recommend that you checkout the 'Dan Hartman Fans' Facebook group

Dan Hartman Fans

We are always on the lookout for new material, especially for the 'Memories" section. If you have memories to share, please get in touch.

Thank you to all those who have, over the years, sent in material for inclusion on the site, and for those who have given permission for me to reproduce articles and photographs... This project would not have been possible without your immense help, love and dedication.

Check out what people say about this site...

I hope that the contents of this site will inspire you to Keep The Fire Burnin'


- Jonathan Creaser, London, June 2024.


Update log:
18/06/24 Updated 2024 site with new design and structure went live.  
19/06/24 Additions and updates to the Discography and Music Career sections.
20/06/24 Additions and updates to the Discography section.

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Portions Copyright © 1998 - 2024: If you have any additional information that can be included on this page please email us at - All Trade names, service marks, trademarks or other registered trademarks used on this page are trademarks of their respective owners. All copyrights are acknowledged. is a non-commercial site which is entirely funded by fans of the late Dan Hartman, it has no affiliation to the Estate of Dan Hartman or to any commercial entity.